最近這一款【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳真的大推啊!
【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳這個cp值真的無庸置疑,網路上的開箱體驗文很多,代表真的值得入手~~
1. 閱讀標籤成分
2. 選擇適合你皮膚的保養品
3. 金錢不代表一切
4. 一次只測試一種保養品
5. 追蹤妳的成效
6. 多多參考別人的意見
而這個【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳是我在閒逛MOMO時,猛然看到的產品
所以我個人對【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳的評比如下



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- 隔離
- 提亮膚色
- 遮瑕
- 隱形毛孔
- SPF20
- 一般膚色
- 白皙膚色
- 健康膚色
- ◆成分:標示於外盒或產品上
非常推薦【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳給大家
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名人推薦【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳介紹,部落客,排行,【media 媚點】持效控油粧前乳,體驗,精選,限定,折扣,折價卷,dcard推薦,直播主推薦,網紅推薦熱賣款
這裡是KTS新聞匯總欄目! 這裡不僅有 一周的新聞熱點 還有雅思托福考試變動 以及留學政策的變化 來看看吧! ... 1. 2020年QS全球大學學科院校排行 QS全球教育集團3日在倫敦發布了第10年度世界大學學科排名,本次排名橫跨5大學科群和48個學科,評估了全球83個國家和地區的1368所高校。 該排名結果來自94000位全球權威學者對學科的全面評估、44000家頂尖僱主對大學畢業生全球就業競爭力的綜合評價,以及對最大文摘資料庫Scopus中2250萬篇研究論文以及1.62億條引文數據的分析。 中國大學持續進步——118所大學的1066個學科入選全球600強(中國大陸84所,香港9所,臺灣23所,中國澳門2所),188個學科進入全球50強。其中,中國大陸100個,香港76個,臺灣11個,中國澳門1個。 中國大學世界50強大學的數量連續五年提高,這種情況在排名史上還是首次出現。中國在學科排名前十和前二十中的數量也在增加。 ... [Photo/網絡] 2. 澳洲禁入令再延長一周 澳大利亞總理斯考特·莫里森今日確認,將對中國的入境禁令再延長一周,直至3月14日。 同時,韓國和伊朗也被列入澳大利亞入境禁令名單。 ... [Photo/網絡] 3. ETS中國:不建議報名4月份托福考試 ETS中國辦公室做了一次線上直播,對大家最關心的暫時停考,托福®考試各項解決措施的相關問題進行了在線答疑,並為大家講解了托福政策的新變化,希望這些能幫助大家更安心地在家備考。 本次直播中,ETS中國區總經理王夢妍女士對大家最關注的問題【4月托福考試是否可以如期舉行】給出了較為明確的回覆: ETS極有可能取消4月的托福和GRE考試,與此同時,國際上較有公信力的其他考試也可能取消。 5月的考試情況比較明朗,建議還未報名的同學報名五月及以後的考試。 已報名4月考試的考生先不要退考,ETS將於3月20日左右正式公布4月份托福考試的確切情況。 ... [Photo/網絡] Sun Yang gets 8-year ban CAS裁定對孫楊禁賽8年 Chinese Olympic and world swimming champion Sun Yang was handed an eight-year ban as the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) upheld the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)'s appeal. Sun said he will appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal against the CAS decision. 近日,國際體育仲裁法庭(CAS)支持世界反興奮劑機構的上訴,決定對中國游泳名將、奧運會和世錦賽冠軍孫楊禁賽8年。對此孫楊稱,將向瑞士聯邦法院對CAS的裁決提出上訴。 Sun refused to complete a doping test conducted by the international testing company IDTM on Sept 4, 2018, saying the doping control officer and her assistants lacked sufficient authorization and credentials. 2018年9月4日,孫楊拒絕接受國際檢測公司IDTM進行的興奮劑檢測,稱興奮劑檢測人員及其助理未獲得充分授權,證件不足。 His case was later heard by swimming's world governing body FINA, who decided on Jan 3, 2019 that the swimmer was not guilty of anti-doping rule violations. WADA disagreed and appealed the decision. 此後,世界游泳管理機構國際泳聯審理了這一案件,於2019年1月3日裁定,孫楊未違反反興奮劑方面的規定。世界反興奮劑機構不滿裁決結果,對此提出上訴。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Govt curbs imports of infections 我國嚴控境外疫情輸入 China has taken scientific and active measures to curb cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia being imported from overseas as the epidemic continues to worsen internationally. 由於國外新冠肺炎疫情持續升級,我國已採取科學積極的舉措嚴控境外疫情輸入。 At a news conference held by the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism on Sunday, Lin Wei, an official at the General Administration of Customs, said that it has adopted strict measures on entry-exit epidemic control including requiring the submission of a declaration of health to screen people with epidemic symptoms. 3月1日,在國務院聯防聯控機制新聞發布會上,海關總署官員林偉表示,海關總署採取了包括健康申報在內的嚴格的出入境防控措施,排查出入境人員有無癥狀。 Anyone entering or exiting ports and airports should have their temperatures checked, and strict inspections will be carried out on people with symptoms, those from regions severely hit by the virus, and those who have had contact with confirmed patients, he said. The disease has been detected in at least 60 countries. Cities including Beijing and Shenzhen have seen imported cases of the disease. 所有出入境人員篩查體溫,對於有癥狀的、來自於疫情比較嚴重的地區、接觸過確診病例的人員,海關總署要進行嚴格監測。目前全球已有超過60個國家發現新冠肺炎病例。北京、深圳等城市發現了境外輸入型病例。 ... [Photo/ASSOCIATED PRESS] 50% patients didn't have fever 5成新冠患者初期無發熱 More than half of the coronavirus patients admitted into hospitals did not have a fever, new research has found. The paper, published on Friday on the website of the New England Journal of Medicine, said only 43.8% of patients had fever on admission, and the ratio grew to 88.7% during hospitalization. Coughs were detected in 67.8% of the patients, making it the most common symptom alongside fever, according to the research led by Zhong Nanshan, a prominent expert in respiratory diseases. 28日,《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》網站發表了著名呼吸疾病專家鍾南山團隊的論文。鍾南山團隊的最新研究發現,超過一半的新冠肺炎患者入院初期無發熱癥狀。研究發現,新冠肺炎患者最常見的癥狀為發熱和咳嗽,但僅有43.8%的患者入院時有發熱癥狀,住院後出現發熱癥狀的患者比例上升至88.7%,67.8%的患者有咳嗽癥狀。 The findings were based on 1,099 novel coronavirus patients scattered across 552 hospitals in 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. The data were collected starting Jan 29, 2020, the paper said. 論文稱,研究團隊自2020年1月29日起,從我國30個省、自治區和直轄市的552家醫院中提取了1099名新冠肺炎患者的數據。 The research found that the median incubation period was four days, and only 1.9% of the patients reported direct contact with wildlife. Among nonresidents of Wuhan, 72.3% had contact with Wuhan residents, including 31.3% who had visited the city, the study found. 研究發現,新冠病毒的潛伏期中位數為4天,據稱僅1.9%的患者直接接觸過野生動物。在武漢外居住的患者中,72.3%有與武漢居民的接觸史,其中31.3%曾去過武漢。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Biosecurity top legal priority 我國將出臺生物安全法 China will speed up its legislative process for a biosecurity law to secure national biosecurity, Wu Qian, a spokesperson at the Ministry of National Defense, said on Monday. 國防部新聞發言人吳謙2日說,為加強國家生物安全,我國將儘快推動出臺生物安全法。 Wu said enhancing biosecurity is a common practice by many nations, and the international community has always attached great importance to biosecurity issues. 吳謙說,加強國家生物安全是各國的普遍做法,國際上對生物安全問題向來十分重視。 China has decided to include biosecurity into its national security system, systematically plan the construction of national biosecurity risk control and management system, and comprehensively boost the country's capability to govern national biosecurity, in a bid to safeguard public health, ensure national security and safeguard the country's long-term peace and stability, Wu said. 我國從保護人民健康、保障國家安全、維護國家長治久安的高度,決定把生物安全納入國家安全體系,系統規劃國家生物安全風險防控和治理體系建設,全面提高國家生物安全治理能力。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Daily mask output exceeds 110M 我國口罩產能產量破億 China is working hard to boost the production of masks, and the output has been growing rapidly, according to the country's top economic regulator. China's daily production capability of masks was well over 110 million units as of Saturday, effectively closing the gap between supply and demand amid the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on Monday. 國家發改委2日表示,我國正在努力提高口罩產量,且口罩產量產能一直在迅速增長。截至2月29日,我國口罩日產能達1.1億隻以上,有效地填補了新冠病毒肺炎疫情期間的供需缺口。 According to NDRC, Saturday's output of masks reached 116 million, which was 12 times the number on Feb 1. 根據發改委的數據,2月29日的日產量達到1.16億隻,是2月1日的12倍。 China is able to serve front-line medical workers' demand for urgently needed N95 medical masks, as 1.66 million N95 medical masks were produced per day in the country, and the daily production capacity reached 1.96 million units, the commission said. 發改委稱,我國能夠滿足一線醫護人員對急需的N95醫用口罩的需求,醫用N95口罩日產能產量分別達到196萬隻和166萬隻。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] ... 'Friends' reunite for special '老友記'重聚拍特別節目 It's happening: The "Friends" cast is reuniting for an exclusive untitled, unscripted special on HBO Max. 真的要來了:《老友記》主創將會重新集結,拍攝HBO Max平臺的一檔獨播節目,這一節目尚未命名,也沒有劇本。 Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original "Friends" soundstage, Stage 24, on the Warner Bros Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series, which ended its run in 2004. 詹妮弗·安妮斯頓、柯特妮·考克斯、莉莎·庫卓、馬特·勒布朗、馬修·派瑞和大衛·休默將回歸華納兄弟原來拍攝《老友記》、位於伯班克的Stage 24攝影棚,慶祝這一2004年終結的長壽劇集。 Sources close to the situation tell Variety the six stars will receive at least $2.5 million apiece for participating in the special. 熟悉情況的消息來源告訴《綜藝》雜誌,參演特別節目的這六位明星每人將獲得至少250萬美元(約合人民幣1759萬元)的片酬。 ... [Photo/COURTESY OF NBC] PM to marry pregnant partner 英首相與懷孕女友訂婚 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds are expecting their first child and have announced their engagement. 英國首相鮑里斯·詹森和他的女友凱莉·西蒙茲宣布兩人已訂婚,並將迎來他們的第一個孩子。 "The prime minister and Miss Symonds are very pleased to announce their engagement and that they are expecting a baby in the early summer," a spokesperson for the couple said on Saturday. 2月29日,兩人的發言人表示:"首相和西蒙茲女士非常高興地宣布,他們訂婚了,他們將在初夏迎來一個孩子。" The announcement means Johnson will become the first British prime minister to marry in office for nearly 200 years. Johnson, 55, had four children - all adults now - with his ex-wife Marina Wheeler. 這意味著,詹森將成為近200年來首位在任內結婚的英國首相。55歲的詹森和前妻瑪麗娜·惠勒育有四個孩子,均已成年。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Settlement over slow iPhones 蘋果5億美元和解'降速門' Apple Inc has agreed to pay up to $500 million to settle litigation accusing it of quietly slowing down older iPhones as it launched new models, in order to induce owners to buy replacement phones or batteries. 蘋果公司同意支付至多5億美元的費用就"降速門"訴訟達成和解。在這起訴訟中,蘋果公司被指在發布新機型時會悄悄將老款iPhone速度減慢,從而促使用戶購買新機或更換電池。 The preliminary proposed class-action settlement was disclosed on Friday night and requires approval by US District Judge Edward Davila in San Jose, California. 這樁集體訴訟的初步和解方案於2月28日晚被披露,但仍需經加州聖何塞地區法官愛德華·達維拉批準後才能生效。 It calls for Apple to pay consumers $25 per iPhone, which may be adjusted up or down depending on how many iPhones are eligible, with a minimum total payout of $310 million. Apple denied wrongdoing and settled the nationwide case to avoid the burdens and costs of litigation, court record show. 根據方案,每部iPhone蘋果公司需向消費者支付25美元的賠償金,這一金額可能會根據符合索賠條件的iPhone數量而上下調整,最低總支出為3.1億美元。法庭文件顯示,蘋果公司否認有不當行為,但同意就這起全國性訴訟達成和解,以避免訴訟帶來的負擔和損失。 ... [Photo/Agencies] GE's Jack Welch dies at 84 通用電氣前董事長去世 Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, has died at 84, GE said on Monday. 通用電氣2日表示,傑克·韋爾奇去世,享年84歲。上世紀80年代和90年代,韋爾奇帶領通用電氣公司從一家生產燈泡和洗衣機的沉悶製造商轉型成美國最具價值的上市公司,給商界帶來顛覆性的影響。 Known as "Neutron Jack" for cutting thousands of jobs, Welch bought and sold scores of businesses, expanded the industrial giant into financial services, and produced steadily rising profits. His success led other CEOs to begin using financial wizardry to improve earnings and wow Wall Street. 韋爾奇因大量裁員而被稱為"中子彈傑克",他一邊收購也一邊轉讓了數十家公司,將這家工業巨頭公司擴張為提供金融服務的企業,並且產生了穩步增長的利潤。他的成功促使其他執行長開始利用金融才能來提高收益,使華爾街為之驚嘆。 In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of $26.8 billion; in 2000, the year before he left, they were nearly $130 billion. In 2001, GE was one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world. In Welch's 20 years as CEO, GE's market value grew from $12 billion to $410 billion, making him one of the most iconic corporate leaders of his era. 1980年,也就是韋爾奇就任執行長的前一年,通用電氣的收入為268億美元;2000年,也就是韋爾奇卸任的前一年,通用電氣的收入達近1300億美元。2001年,通用電氣已成為世界上最大、最有價值的公司之一。在韋爾奇擔任執行長的20年時間裡,通用電氣的市值從120億美元增至4100億美元,使其成為那個時代最具標誌性的企業領袖之一。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Fed cuts rates amid concerns 美聯儲緊急降息50基點 The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates on Tuesday in a bid to shield the world’s largest economy from the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. "The virus and the measures that are being taken to contain it will surely weigh on economic activity, both here and abroad, for some time," Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in a news conference shortly after policymakers unanimously decided to cut rates by a half percentage point to a target range of 1% to 1.25%. 美國聯邦儲備委員會(美聯儲)3日降息,以保護美國這個全球最大的經濟體免受新冠病毒疫情的衝擊。美聯儲主席鮑威爾在決策者一致同意降息50個基點,將目標區間降至1%-1.25%後不久舉行的記者會上表示,這種病毒和正在採取的控制病毒的措施肯定會在一段時間內對國內外的經濟活動均產生影響。 Underscoring how grave the central bank views the fast-evolving situation, it was the first emergency rate cut outside of a regularly scheduled policymaker meeting since 2008 at the height of the financial crisis. 這是美聯儲自2008年金融危機最嚴重時期以來首次緊急降息,突顯出美聯儲認為迅速演變的形勢有多麼嚴峻。 Besides the Fed, there has been action by other central banks. Earlier on Tuesday, central banks in Australia and Malaysia cut rates and on Monday the Bank of Japan took steps to provide liquidity to stabilize financial markets there. 除美聯儲外,其他央行也紛紛採取了行動。3日早些時候,澳大利亞和馬來西亞央行下調了利率,日本銀行2日採取措施提供流動性,以穩定日本國內的金融市場。 ... [Photo/Agencies] IOC committed to Tokyo 2020 東京奧運會將如期舉辦 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board on Tuesday expressed its full commitment to the success of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, with the Games set to take place from July 24 to Aug 9 this year. 國際奧委會執行委員會3日對2020東京奧運會的成功舉辦表示全力支持,東京奧運會將在今年7月24日至8月19日期間如期舉行。 The IOC Executive Board heard a report on all the measures taken so far to address the COVID-19 situation, which was followed by a comprehensive discussion of issues involved. The IOC Executive Board said it appreciates and supports the measures being taken, which constitute an important part of Tokyo's plans to host a safe and secure Games. 執委會聽取了一份關於應對新冠肺炎疫情採取的全部舉措的報告,隨後對此涉及的問題進行了全面討論。執委會表示,非常讚賞和支持正在採取的措施,這些措施是東京為主辦一場安全可靠的奧運會所做的準備工作中的一個重要的組成部分。 It went on to encourage all athletes to continue to prepare for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The IOC says it will keep supporting the athletes by providing the latest information and developments, which are accessible for athletes worldwide on the Athlete365 website. 執委會繼而鼓勵運動員們繼續備戰2020東京奧運會。國際奧委會表示將為運動員們提供東京奧運會最新情況與進展,全球運動員可在Athlete365網站上查看相關信息。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Super Tuesday 2020 results 美民主黨預選兩雄相爭 The Democratic party's presidential field, which featured more than a half-dozen candidates a week ago, transformed into a two-man contest. A resurgent Joe Biden scored victories from Texas to Massachusetts on Super Tuesday, revitalizing a presidential bid that was teetering on the edge of disaster just days earlier. 一周前,參加民主黨總統候選人資格角逐的不止6人,現在則已經變成了兩個人的較量。喬·拜登實現大逆轉,在"超級星期二"贏得了從德克薩斯到麻薩諸塞各州的勝利,從而使幾天前還處於災難邊緣的參選努力重獲生機。 But his rival Bernie Sanders seized the biggest prize with a win in California that ensured he would drive the Democrats' nomination fight for the foreseeable future. Biden drew support from a broad coalition of moderates and conservatives, African Americans and voters older than 45. 但他的對手伯尼·桑德斯憑藉在加利福尼亞州的獲勝贏得了最重要的戰利品,這確保了他將在可預見的未來繼續引領民主黨的提名之爭。拜登得到了涵蓋溫和派和保守派的廣泛聯盟、非洲裔美國人以及45歲以上選民的支持。 Sanders' success was built on a base of energized liberals, young people and Latinos. But he was unable to sufficiently widen his appeal to older voters and college graduates who make up a sizable share of Democratic voters, according to AP VoteCast. 桑德斯的成功則建立在自由主義者、年輕人和拉美裔人士的基礎上。但美聯社的調查顯示,他未能充分擴大自己對較年長選民和大學畢業生的吸引力,後者在民主黨選民中占有相當大的比例。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Arctic may see 'ice-free' summers 研究:北極將迎'無冰'夏季 A study suggests that the Arctic "may be essentially ice-free during summer within 15 years." The study used statistical models to predict the future amount of Arctic ice, which suggested that the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer during the decade of the 2030s – most likely in the year 2034. 一項研究顯示,北極"在15年內可能會在夏季基本無冰"。該研究利用統計模型預測了北極冰層的未來數量,表明在21世紀30年代的十年里,極有可能是在2034年,北極可能會在夏季無冰。 Sea ice is frozen ocean water that melts each summer, then refreezes each winter. The amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic has been steadily shrinking over the past few decades because of global warming. 海冰是凍結的海水,每年夏季融化,然後每年冬季重新凍結。由於全球變暖,過去幾十年來,北極夏季海冰的數量一直在穩步減少。 It reached its second-smallest level on record in 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. What scientists refer to as the first "ice-free" Arctic summer year will occur when the Arctic has less than 1 million square kilometers of sea ice. 美國國家海洋和大氣管理局說,2019年北極夏季海冰水平僅次於歷史最低記錄。科學家所說的首個「無冰」北極夏季的年份將出現在北極海冰不足100萬平方公里的時候。 ... [Photo/Unsplash] 除此之外,KTS每日更新有關疫情的相關謠言,也請大家多多關注哦。 ... 部分來源:ChinaDaily —END— KTS(Key to Success)專注留學英語和高端商務英語培訓,行業內首推「英語規劃師」概念,實行一對一學習督導服務,為學員定製和規劃學習方案;同時自創「PLP」教學產品線,自主研發了iTask一系列線上任務包。 添加VX諮詢:selena123-hong 更多留學資訊、乾貨經驗、資料福利 歡迎關注公眾號:KTS勝之玥留學英語/KTS勝之玥英語
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